Organising a seminar in Paris: a safe choice!

The ideal time to organise a seminar is at the beginning of the year.

After the festive season, everyone is not only refreshed, but also ready to set themselves new personal and professional goals. It’s a good opportunity for your company to get off to a good start and boost your teams so that you can achieve better results in the future.

Organising a seminar depends above all on the choice of venue, which for many reasons can quickly turn to Paris.

Organising a seminar in Paris: what are the advantages?

Whether your company is located in the capital or not, you should know that organising a seminar in Paris can have many advantages:

  • At the heart of Europe, our capital is easily accessible from countless cities.
  • This can be an opportunity to travel as a team. During your seminar in Paris, you can organise a tour of the city, or an unusual outing to discover, for example, the Moulin Rouge.
  • Remember that a seminar in Paris can also be the ideal opportunity to combine culture and work. There are many possibilities!
  • Not forgetting that organising a seminar in Paris, a real business centre, can allow you to meet partners.

Ideally, you need a hotel that is particularly well served by public transport. Our hotel in Montparnasse in Paris 14th is the perfect answer to your needs. Located close to the Montparnasse train station, it offers you its various spaces for seminars and receptions.

A hotel in Paris 14th district for the organisation of your seminar

Our hotel in Paris 14th district offers a complete range of services for the organisation of your seminar in Paris. Between seminar rooms, meeting rooms and reception rooms, a total of ten spaces are at your disposal, from 20m² to 90m² and able to hold from 9 to 100 people. You can also benefit from other advantages, including

  • The large number of rooms: with its hundred or so rooms, you can accommodate your employees on site to ensure that your seminar runs smoothly.
  • The location: the hotel is in Montparnasse, five minutes’ walk from the station and close to many public transport stops.
  • The dedicated sales team: they will help you organise your event and provide you with the necessary equipment.
  • The Modigliani restaurant: you will find it within our 3-star hotel, where you can enjoy authentic and tasty dishes.

Decided to organise your seminar in Paris? Get your quote by clicking below.